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Diretrizes para Autores



Scope and politics

The publication of scientific authors will depend upon the reports of Editorial Guidelines, the evaluations from the Editorial Committee and ad hoc Committee. All the reports have sigilous and impartial character, and the authors as well as the members of Editorial Committee and/or ad hocCommittee do not get personal information by itself.

Cost of publication: None.

Manuscripts form and preparation

1. The concepts and conclusions included in papers are of the entire responsibility of the authors.

2. Plant Cell Culture & Micropropagation is a jounal that publishes scientific papers in the area of planta tissue culture. Submitted manuscripts must be written in English, be original, and be in accordance with the journal's standards and not be submitted for publication elsewhere. Its content (data, ideas, opinions and concepts) is the sole responsibility of the author(s). Submission of a manuscript to this journal requires that it has neither been published nor is under consideration for publication elsewhere. Upon acceptance for publication, authors assign to the journal full copyright of the manuscript in all languages and countries.

3. Publication process: Submitted manuscripts will be forwarded to the editorial board to be initially evaluated in terms of comparative relevance to other papers of the same area that were submitted for publication. If it is considered as relevant, the paper will be submitted to blind peer reviewers. If approved and if necessary, the manuscript may return to the correspondent author for corrections. If the corrections are not returned within the required deadline, the publication process will be automatically cancelled.  Requested corrections not attended without justification may also lead to can- cellation. After these revisions, the manuscript will receive corrections of scientific nomenclature, English and references. Following these corrections, the manuscript will be edited and published.

4. Manuscripts must be submitted electronically, written in English, and use only conventional abbreviations and nomenclature with no abbreviations in the title. Manuscripts must be edited using the program Microsoft Word for Windows on paper size A4 (21 cm x 29.7cm), double spaced using Times New Roman font, size 12, with a 2.5 cm margin on both left and right hand side, and on upper and lower margins, heading and footnote. The manuscript must not exceed a maximum of 25 pages and a letter must be sent to the Editor requesting its publication. All authors must sign the submission letter, containing author’s full name with no abbreviations, title degree and work address (street, number, zip code, city, state, country and e-mail). At submission, this document must be attached in the field “Cover Letter”. Any further insertion, exclusion or alteration in the authors order must be informed by a document signed by all authors (including the excluded author, if the case).

5. Each manuscript must be organized in the following format: a) TITLE (capital letters) sufficiently clear; conspicuous and complete, without abbreviations and superfluous words, written in English. It is recommended to begin with the term that represents the most important aspect, with other terms in decreasing of importance; b) FULL NAME(S) OF THE AUTHOR(S) (without abbreviations) on the right side with one name beneath the former. The manuscript must have a maximum of 6 (six) authors; c) ABSTRACT must be written continuously in one paragraph and it must not exceed 250 words. At least, it must contain a brief introduction, objective(s) and main results, d) INDEX TERMS with 3 to 5 keywords that express the content of the paper and different from those used in the title and separated by commas; e) INTRODUCTION (including literature review and objectives); f) MATERIAL AND METHODS; g) RESULTS AND DISCUSSION (it may include tables and figures); h)CONCLUSION(S); i) ACKNOWLEDGMENT(S) (optional) with serious and clear written style, indicating the reason(s) for the recognition(s); j) REFERENCES (without citations of thesis, dissertation and/or abstracts).

6. FOOTNOTE: It must contain title degree (MS, PhD, Dr, etc), institution of work with the complete address (street, number, zip code, P. O. Box, city, state, country) and e-mail of the corresponding author.

7. TABLES: Must contain a clear and concise title, being explanatory. Tables should not contain vertical lines. Horizontal lines must separate title from the presented data and at the bottom of the table. Tables should be made on Microsoft Word (Table – Insert Table), with each value inserted in a single cell, centrally located.


The figures listed above must be both inserted after their citation in the text and also sent in separate files attached to the MANUSCRIPT FILES field.

8.1. Photographs may be in color or black and white , clear and with contrast, inserted in the text after their citation and also in a separate file, saved in extension “TIFF” or “JPEG” with resolution of 300 dpi. Press copies will only publish photographs in black and white.

8.2. Figures may be in color or black and white , clear and with contrast, inserted in the text after their citation and also in a separate file, saved in extension “TIFF” or “JPEG” with resolution of 300 dpi. They must be described using Times New Roman font, size 10, without bold, without a text box and arranged in order. Press copies will only publish figures in black and white.

8.3. Graphs must be inserted in the text after their citation. Graphs must be described preferentially in Excel, using Times New Roman font, size 10, without bold, saved in XLS extension and transformed into TIFF or JPG files with a resolution of 300 dpi.

8.4. Symbols and Chemical Formula must be presented using a word processor that allows editing for Adobe InDesign CS6 (ex: MathType), maintaining their original layout.


Two authors: Davis and Jones (2014).

Three authors: Silva, Pazeto and Vieira (2013).

More than three authors: Ribeiro et al. (2014).

Note: When two authors of the same work are cited they must be separated by “and”, if not included in the sentence, must be separated by “;”. Other cites in the same text, must present the authors in an alphabetic order of their last names, followed by date and separated by “;”: Araújo (2010); Nunes Junior (2011); Pereira (2012) and Souza (2013).

10. REFERENCES: All references and their correct citation in the text are the responsibility of the author(s).

General information:

- Journal name must be completely written (no abbreviations) in bold .

- All the references must list the journal volume, issue (in parenthesis), initial and final pages and year of publication.

- References must be set in alphabetic order, aligned left and simple spaced in a reference and double spaced between references.



- Up to three authors:

PINHEIRO, A. C. M.; NUNES, C. A.; VIETORIS, V. Sensomaker: a tool for sensorial characterization of food products.Ciência e Agrotecnologia, 37(3):199-201, 2013.

-More than three authors:

MENEZES, M. D. de et al. Digital soil mapping approach based on fuzzy logic and field expert knowledge. Ciência e Agrotecnologia, 37(4):287-298, 2013.


a) Complete book:

FERREIRA, D.F. Estatística multivariada. Lavras: Editora UFLA, 2008. 672p.

b) Book chapter with specific authors:

BERGEN, W.G.; MERKEL, R.A. Protein accretion. In: PEARSON, A.M.; DUTSON, T.R. Growth regulation in farm animals: advances in meat research. London: Elsevier Science, 1991. v.7, p.169-202.

c) Book chapter without specific authors:

JUNQUEIRA, L.C.; CARNEIRO, J. Tecido muscular. In: ________. Histologia básica. 11.ed. Rio de Janeiro: Guanabara

Koogan, 2008. 524p.


Must not be cited.


Must not be cited.


Studies only published online are referenced according to the specific rules for each type of document with the addition of the electronic address information presented in (<>) preceded by the expression “Available at” and the date the document was accessed, preceded by the expression: “Accessed on:”. Note: It is not recommended to reference electronic material of short duration on the web. According to international standards, the division of electronic address at the end of the line should be always after the slash (/).


TAKAHASHI, T. (Coord.). Tecnologia em foco. Brasília, DF: Socinfo/MCT, 2000. Available at: <http//>. Accessed on: August, 22, 2000.


TAKAHASHI, T. Mercado, trabalho e oportunidades. In: _________. Sociedade da informação no Brasil: livro verde. Brasília, DF: Socinfo/MCT, 2000. cap.2. Available at: <>. Accessed on: August, 22, 2000.


AVELAR,; REZENDE, Hábitos alimentares fora do lar: um estudo de caso em Lavras MG. Organizações Rurais &Agroindustriais. 15(1):137-152, 2013.Available at: <> Accessed on: August, 18, 2014.

10. The PCC&M does not have a publication fee.

Política de Privacidade

Os nomes e endereços informados nesta revista serão usados exclusivamente para os serviços prestados por esta publicação, não sendo disponibilizados para outras finalidades ou à terceiros.